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● The __(70)__realize seamless integration of various manufacturing devices equipped with sensing,identification,processing,communicationg actuation and networking capabilities artificail intelligence
(70)A.Internet of things
B.cloud computing
C.big data
D.artificial intelligence
● Hige-profile example of __(71)__include autonomous vehicles(such as drone and self-driving cars),Creating art(such as poetry) and online assjstants(Such as Siri)
(71)A.Internet of things
B.cloud computing
C.big data
D.artificial intelligence
● The ( ) process differs from the ( ) process in that the former is primarily concerned with acceptance of the deliverables, while the latter is primarily concerned with correctness of the deliverables.
(72)A. Perform Quality Assurance
B. Validate Scope
C. Control Quality
D. Define Scope
(73)A. Perform Quality Assurance
B. Validate Scope
C. Control Quality
D. Define Scope
● ( ) is a technique for estimating the duration or cost of an activity or a project using historical data from a similar activity or project.
(74)A. Analogous estimating
B. Parametric estimating
C. Three-point estimating
D. Bottom-up estimating
● 某化工企业接到一份10吨新材料研发的订单100万元,该材料由甲、乙、丙三种原材料构成,其中所有含金属A不少于4400克,金属B不少于4800克,金属A和金属B在原材料中的含量及单价如下表所示。经过不断测算和实验,为了获得满足客户要求的这种新材料,该企业最多可获得的利润为__(75)__万元。
甲 乙 丙
金属A(克/吨) 400 600 400
金属B(克/吨) 800 200 400
单价(万元/吨) 400 600 400
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